LIVERSEDGE 01274 861 096      HARROGATE 01423 637 272


One of our key areas of business is dealing with separation / divorce issues for police officers and their families.

Alison heads up the Police Family Law service and has over 20 years’ experience in family law. She represents police officers of all ranks both via direct recommendation, a number Police Federations and the Superintendent’s Association. She has built a reputation of being a force to be reckoned with, particularly in relation to police pensions.

Alison considers herself part of the police family. Her father is a retired Superintendent and her former partner is a recently retired Detective Superintendent. She leads a team who specialise in dealing with police officers who are experiencing relationship issues.

Barnes Clark Family Law deal with all aspects of family law. This includes divorce/dissolution proceedings, arrangements for children and the distribution of financial matters on divorce or separation.

We recognise the unique difficulties that arise for police officers on separation, particularly in relation to their pensions, which means that we can give you the best advice possible in this area. Alison has a specialist knowledge of dealing with police pensions on divorce that is unrivalled nationally. She has led training courses for other solicitors and was actively involved in assisting her local police force Federation to disseminate information to police officers about the 2015 pension changes.

We also offer a discounted rate to police officers nationally which means you are getting the best possible bespoke service combining our unique specialist expertise and advice with a rate that is less than you would pay elsewhere. We deal with clients locally, nationally and - on occasions - worldwide. We work closely with our clients to ensure we offer the best service possible.

We offer a free initial no obligation appointment, whether in person or over the phone. We appreciate that you need to be confident in your solicitor and this gives you an opportunity to talk to us and discuss the options that are available to you. Please call our Liversedge office 01274 861 096 or our Harrogate office 01423 637 272 or send us an email by clicking the button below.